Journey Through Bethlehem
This is a free outdoor community Christmas experience! It is an immersive, living Nativity recreating the sights and sounds of Bethlehem on the night of Jesus' birth.
Walk through the busy marketplace and watch for the Roman Soldiers. See Mary and Joseph as they search for a place to stay.
Peek into the manger to see God's gift to us- His Son. Experience the wonder and amazement!
Journey through Bethlehem this Christmas season.

2491 Morgan Mill Rd
Monroe NC 28110
Open to the Public
Friday, December 13th
6:00 - 9:00
Saturday, December 14th
6:00 - 9:00

Did you know that production of this two day Christmas experience takes a full year to plan and implement? The scenery, costumed citizens, musicians, animals, beggars, and kings, thousands of hours of work have already been completed by the time you arrive.
Early each year, the Journey Through Bethlehem team meets to discuss the previous year's event and make changes or build on that year's strengths. This team continues to meet throughout the rest of the year, planning out each detail of the presentation, including the street itself, parking, advertisements, city requirements, security, and other important topics. During this time sets are painted, costumes are sewn, and volunteers are assigned roles.
Then in just a few short weeks the town of 2000 years ago appears at Lee Park Church in Monroe NC. After months of planning, painting and building have passed, the set is ready. After each piece of the set is constructed and ready for inhabitants the "journey" is missing only one important component: you!
Finally, in addition to the scenery and the hundreds of costumed performers that flood the streets, there are many who remain literally "behind the scenes." These people prepare meals for the performers, provide child care for volunteers, warm, and help care for, baby "Jesus," run sound and lights, and take care of all the necessary tasks to keep the show up and running.
Q & A'S

How long should I plan to stay?
Plan to be at the event 30-45 minutes.
Can I bring my pet?
Please do not bring your pets, trained service animals are okay.
Will I need a jacket?
Streets of Bethlehem is a fully outdoor Christmas nativity experience,
please dress for that night’s weather or possible rain.
What happens if it rains?
A mist or drizzle does not cancel this journey.
Rain cancellations will be announced on our Facebook page.